United Way Fraser Valley becomes the fifth Living Wage Employer in the region
May 2016, United Way Fraser Valley was honoured to receive certification as the Fraser Valley’s fifth Living Wage Employer.
Living wage in the news: 2016 calculation
CBC News: Living wage for Metro Vancouver families drops for first time in 8 years
Province: Guest Column: Fed's new child benefit helps lower living wage
News Kamloops: Child benefit cited in living wage decrease
Vancouver Sun: Vancouver still tops the list for residents needing the highest living wage
24 Hours: Living wage drop credited to PM's policies
Info News: Living wage for young Kamloops families decreases
News1130: Hourly wage needed to cover basic costs for some has dropped
BC Business: Cost of raising a family in BC drops for the first time ever
Vancity Buzz: Metro Vancouver living wage decreases for the first time in 8 years
Agassiz Harrison Observer / Chiliwack Times: Living wage in Fraser Valley drops to $16.28 an hour
CKNW News: Vancouver's living wage drops for the first time in 8 years
Kamloops This Week: Kamloops living wage: $17.21 per hour
Prince George Now: Living wage in BC drops for first time in 8 years
Radio-Canada: Grand Vancouver : le salaire recommandé pour vivre revu à la baisse
Province: Metro Vancouver residents still need highest 'living wage' in B.C.
News 880 AM: Vancouver's living wage drops for the first time in eight years
250 News: Living Wage Rate Slips in North Central BC
CBC Radio - On the Coast: Living wage not achievable for all jobs in B.C.: career counsellor
Change in federal policy lowers living wage for first time despite rising costs
(Vancouver - April 27, 2016) A report released today finds that the wage needed to cover the costs of raising a family in Metro Vancouver is $20.64 per hour. This is the 2016 Metro Vancouver living wage, the hourly wage that two working parents with two young children must earn to meet their basic expenses (including rent, child care, food and transportation), once government taxes, credits, deductions and subsidies have been taken into account.
Read moreLiving Wage News: City of Vancouver
September 2016:
CBC News Vancouver at 6: Vancouver considers the living wage (17:38-22:38)
Global News Morning BC: BIV: City of Vancouver looks to implement living wage (at 1:03 min)
Vancouver Sun: What’s a living wage, anyway?
CTV News: Vancouver approves $20.64 'living wage' for all staff
CBC News: Fair pay or playing politics? Vancouver city council debates living wage
Province: Almost no one to earn more under Vancouver's living wage policy
CKNW AM 980: Groups campaign for Vancouver living wage to reach all city worker
CBC Early Edition: Geoff Meggs on living wage
CBC BC Almanac: UBC Sauder School's Mark Thompson on #LivingWage
Vancouver Metro News: Vancouver one step closer to being a Living Wage Employer
Georgia Straight: City of Vancouver estimates it will cost more than #1 million to lift contractors’ employees to a living wage
Vancouver 24 Hrs: Vancouver says $1.2 million per year needed to implement living wage
July 2015:
Province: Joey Hartman and Adrienne Montani: Vancouver’s ‘living wage’ plan will help tackle poverty
Vancouver Sun: Op-ed: Living wage proposal applauded
Metro News: Vancouver council unanimously votes to become living wage employer
CKNW: City of Vancouver paves way to become a living wage employer
Vancouver Sun: Gregor Robertson calls for Vancouver to become a living wage employer
Georgia Straight: Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson puts forward living-wage motion
Vancouver Metro News: Vancouver mayor wants city to become living wage employer
Province: Vancouver mayor commits to living-wage thrust
CKNW News Talk 980: Mayor Gregor Robertson wants City of Vancouver to be living wage employer
News 1130: Vancouver’s mayor wants to make City Hall a living wage employer
AM 730: UPDATED: Mayor Gregor Robertson wants City of Vancouver to be living wage employer
Huffington Post: Mayor Gregor Robertson wants City of Vancouver to be living wage city
Human Resource Management Online: Calls for west coast city to become living wage employer
Vancity Buzz: Mayor Robertson want City of Vancouver to become a ‘living wage’ employer
Vancouver Sun: Douglas Todd: Metro Vancouver Alliance builds bridges and makes things happen
What about a living wage calculation for a single person?
The Living Wage for Families Campaign is a poverty reduction strategy to address, in particular, child and family poverty in Canada.
Read moreVillage Cleaners takes care of people and planet
Sustainability is the core value at Village Cleaners, a garment cleaning company and Living Wage Employer located in False Creek in the former Olympic Village.
Living wage campaign - 2015 year in review
It has been an incredibly busy year for the Living Wage for Families Campaign. We thank all our supporters and employers who have helped grow the living wage movement and reduce low-wage poverty across BC.
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