What does the minimum wage increase mean for BC Families?
BC leads the country in having the highest rate of working poverty. A $15/hr minimum wage will mean a raise for 400,000 workers across BC who are working for less than that.
The Living wage for Families Campaign has been supporting the call for a $15/hr minimum wage. In our presentation and submission to the Fair Wages Commission we shared stories of workers who struggled to make ends meet. Many of the workers we talk with are working more than one job and have little time to spend with their family and their community.
Low wage work impacts all of us. We lose out when parents aren’t able to participate in their children’s lives because they are working two full-time jobs.
The schedule for minimum wage increases is:
June 2018: $12.65/hr
June 2019: $13.85
June 2020: $14.60
June 2021: $15.20
The Living Wage for Families Campaign will continue to work to close the gap between the minimum wage and the living wage
Please feel free to get in touch.
[email protected]