On International Credit Union Day, Stabilization Central becomes 8th Credit Union in BC to certify as a Living Wage Employer

On the 71st International Credit Union Day, Stabilization Central Credit Union has become one of eight new Living Wage Employers in British Columbia. Stabilization Central joins seven other credit unions across the province in obtaining this certification. 

International Credit Union Day celebrates the spirit of the credit union movement and other financial cooperatives around the world. Paying a living wage – which is the hourly amount that each of two working parents would need in order to afford a decent quality of life in their community – is one way that credit unions and cooperatives can serve their communities. 

“It is essential that individuals and families are able to work and thrive in our BC communities,” said Doug Eveneshen, CEO of Stabilization Central, an organization that works with the financial regulator of BC to provide support for credit unions across the province. “In order to do that, they must earn a living wage. Stabilization Central passionately supports this initiative and encourages all credit unions to participate.”

Becoming a Living Wage Employer is a voluntary commitment that employers can make to invest in their communities and local economies. Living wage rates for communities across BC are calculated each year by the Living Wage for Families Campaign and local partners, and if employers pay their staff and contractors their regional living wage, they can apply for certification.

Seven other credit unions across BC have certified as Living Wage Employers. These include Community Savings Credit Union in Metro Vancouver and Victoria, Mount Lehman Credit Union, First Credit Union in Courtenay, Grand Forks Credit Union, Integris Credit Union in Prince George, Summerland Credit Union, and Vancity Credit Union, the largest community credit union in Canada.

“The living wage movement and the credit union movement share deep values around building strong local communities,” said Living Wage for Families Campaign Organizer Halena Seiferling. “We are very pleased that Stabilization Central has joined the other credit unions in BC that are Living Wage Employers, and we hope more credit unions will soon follow suit.”

Stabilization Central was one of eight employers to recently receive Living Wage Employer certification. The newest Living Wage Employers also include Brightside Community Homes Foundation, the 110 Arts Cooperative in Vancouver, the New Westminster and District Labour Council, Just Mechanical Ltd, BC Earth Exchange, Insight Specialty Consulting, and Bio Conscious Technologies.

There are now over 160 Living Wage Employers in BC. This represents close to 21,000 workers who are earning a decent wage in their communities. 

For more information, contact the Living Wage for Families Campaign.