What is the difference between the minimum wage and the Living Wage?
The minimum wage is different from the Living Wage. The minimum wage is the legislated minimum set by the provincial government, it is currently $15.65 an hour. For a worker earning minimum wage, they would have to work an extra 10 hours a week to be able to make ends meet.
Thousands of families making the current minimum wage in BC are still living below the poverty line.
A living wage calls on employers to meet a higher standard, to ensure that wages for their staff and major contractors reflect the true costs of living in a community and that parents can earn what they need to support their families.
What is the benefit for businesses to pay a Living Wage?
97% of Living Wage Employers in BC have reported a benefit from joining the program. They have found that paying a Living Wage reduces staff turnover, recruitment and training costs and has increased morale, productivity and brand awareness.
What is the Living Wage for my community?
We have produced Living Wage calculations for 13 communities across British Columbia. Check out our map to find your local Living Wage rate.
How do I become a Living Wage Employer?
Living Wage Employers commit to paying their direct and contracted staff a Living Wage. To find out more about the steps involved to becoming a Living Wage Employer, then read our Guide to Becoming a Living Wage Employer.
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