Metro-Vancouver Living Wage Employers

Who is a Living Wage Employer in Metro-Vancouver?

These employers have committed to pay their direct staff and contracted workers the Living Wage for Metro Vancouver which is $27.05 an hour.

2400 MOtel Living Wage Employer      Adanac Tech    ADS ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. Logo  Ampersand Inc LogoArch EngineersAunt Leah's PlaceBakau ConsultingBardel EntertainmentBritish Columbia Civil Liberties Association BC Earth Exchange BC Dental Hygenist Living Wage Employer  BC Food and Beverage BC Foster Parents Association   BC NPH logoBC Poverty Reduction Coalition BCTFBerto Contractors Ltd Boyden Canada Living Wage EmployerBritewebBroodCare IncBurrard Podiatry LogoCafe EticoCapilano Student' UnionCarscadden Stokes McDonald ArchitectsCascadia Cloud SolutionsCatalyst Community Development SocietyCCPA BC   City State LogoClayton Heights Sports and Therapy CentreCleanstartCoast ConsignmentCoast Mountain Accounting Ltd.LogoCoDevelopment Canada Association Community Savings Credit Union Connective LogoConvertus Core 6  Craine Projects Living Wage EmployerCreekside HealthCUFA BCCanadian Union of Public Employees British Columbiadawn Health and Wellness Living Wage EmployerDemolition Impossible Contracting Inc logoDisability Alliance BCDiverseCITY logoDogwoodDrawing ChangeEast River GardensElemental GardensElizabeth Fry Society Logo Emergent Fundraising and Consulting Inc.Entre Nous Femmes Housing Society logo Fehr Strata Repairs |  Goodbye GarbageGPM CIVIL CONTRACTING INC. Greater Vancouver Food Bank Living Wage EmployerGraduate Student Society SFU  Greyspace Logo  Hapa Collaborative Logo  Hastings Labour Law Office LLPHDR LtdHogans Alley SocietyHome Spritz Inc. LogoHEUHi-Performance Distributors LogoHua Foundation logo Indiana Bones Dog Adventures Corp.Inform Planning Insight Specialty Consulting ISL  Jastram     Just Mechanical LtdKai Analytics International IncKhora Architecture + Interiors Kindred Construction  Kontur Geotechnical Consultants Inc. Logo  Langara Faculty AssociationLocal Practice Architecture + Design Ltd. logoLonglife Window and DoorsLover's Tempo Design IncMcCuaig & Associates Engineering Ltd.Major Crown Projects IncorporatedMadow Montessori School Metis Nation BCMetric Strategies  Mobi Bikes LogoMODUS Planning, Design & Engagement Inc.    MOTIV Architects Inc.  Move Up Living Wage Employer Music on Main Society Living Wage Employer Naturally Urban · Pet Store · To Your DogNew Life Management Servicesngx New West and District Labour CouncilThe North Shore Restorative Justice Society  The NOW Group logo NUQO Modular   Open Door Out on Screen Living Wage EmployerPacific Community Resources SocietyParaspace living wage employerParc retirement livingPerkins and Will PFS StudioPHL Capital Corp Point Blank LogoCity of Port Coquitlam Living Wage Employer Pulpfiction BooksPS&CoParent Support Services Society logoPWL Partnership Quality One Home Service LogoRalph Radio Living Wage EmployerRatio ArchitectureRealistic Success Recovery Society Living Wage EmployerReeve ConsultingRenewal Funds Management Company LtdRichmond Food Bank SocietyRJS Construction Ltd SAH Disaster Restoration Living Wage EmployerSavage Society Share investments Skipper Otto Living Wage EmployerSignal West Contracting Ltd Sitka Property Services LogoSLA Architects logoSmart InvestmentsSociety for Children and Youth Living Wage EmployerSt James Community Square  Stratascape Property Maintenance IncstudioHuB architects ltd.SvN Architects + Planners Inc.Swish MaintenanceSymbiotic Landscapes TCO Environmental LTD.Tectonic Architecture  Living Wage Employer Town Hall Brands Trek4PetsTWDUFCWUnited Way BCUNIT PITT Living Wage EmployerUrban Arts Architecture Inc.Urban SystemsUmbrella Property ServicesVancouver and District Labour CouncilVancouver Premier Contracting  & Eco Property MaintenanceVancouver School Board Living Wage Employer  Virtus Living Wage EmployerVancouver Renewable Energy Co-op logo   WATSON Advisors Inc.West Coast Building Restoration Inc.West Coast LEAF AssociationWorker Solidarity NetworkThe Yoga Outreach SocietyYLAWYVR Airport Living Wage EmployerZenith Commissioning Consulting Ltd.ZN Advisory Services Inc.Zoetica Living Wage Employer





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