First Living Wage certified e-scooter company in BC
Neuron Mobility, based in Vernon BC, is the first e-scooter company in BC to become a certified Living Wage Employer by committing to pay its staff and contracted workers a Living Wage
Neuron Mobility is an electric scooter sharing company conducting operations around the world. Their distinctive orange e-scooters are designed in-house and manufactured specifically for renting and for safety.
"The wellbeing of our employees is incredibly important to us and we believe offering a living wage is an important part of this. Fostering a positive work environment and culture is core to Neuron’s values and approach. We look forward to creating new employment opportunities and growing our team further as we continue our expansion in British Columbia." - Ankush Karwal, Regional Manager and Head of Canada, Neuron Mobility.
The living wage is the hourly amount a family needs to cover basic expenses. The calculation is based on a two-parent family with two children – the most common family unit in BC – with each parent working full-time. The Living Wage for Kamloops and Vernon is $16.71 an hour.
Most children growing up in poverty in BC live with at least one adult working full-time, full-year. In other words, child poverty in BC is very much a low-wage story. For most of the past decade, BC’s child-poverty rate has remained at one in five children living in poverty.
“We’re delighted that Neuron Mobility has become a Living Wage Employer. We hope it kick-starts other employers to join the Living Wage movement. Paying a living wage is good for workers, employers and the local community” said Anastasia French, Living Wage for Families BC
Over the past two years, the number of Living Wage Employers in BC has gathered speed – there are now 350 Living Wage Employers in BC.
Employers have found paying a living wage to be a key tool in their post-Covid economic recovery. 97% of Living Wage Employers in BC have found some benefit to being part of the program.
Certifying as a Living Wage Employer is a voluntary commitment employers make to invest in their communities and local economies.
Please feel free to get in touch.
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