The fifth and final resource in our new series for employers: learn about the living wage for non-profit organizations. Non-profits have different operating procedures than private companies, but they can still become Living Wage Employers. 20% of Living Wage Employers in BC are non-profits!
While paying a living wage has business benefits, like improved employee productivity and morale, there are also wide social benefits of a living wage. These include more inclusive communities, vibrant local economies, and decreased health care and social service costs. The living wage also changes the conversation about how we value work - and shows that paying fair wages is one way that non-profits can serve their communities.
This resource includes tips for how non-profits can make the living wage work for them. We know that paying living wages may be difficult for non-profits, but our program criteria include some exemptions which may help non-profits to certify. We also recognize that paying a living wage is only one tactic for ending working poverty, and we welcome other strategies such as the work of social enterprises.
Click here to read this new resource, and contact us to become a Living Wage Employer!
This is the last in a series of new fact sheets for employers. These concise, one-page "cheat sheets" note key information relevant for employers of diverse sectors, industries, and sizes. Read the whole series now!
Please feel free to get in touch.
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