The Making Ends Meet Project Advisory Committee is made up of individuals who represent agencies, organizations, initiatives, communities, and families impacted by working poverty in Vancouver.
- Iulia Sincraian - Hospital Employees Union (HEU) - covering Nicole Molinari's leave
- Dr. Kendra Strauss, Director of the Labour Studies Program at Simon Fraser University and an Associate Professor in the Program
- Lamin Kassama, Community Connections Programs - Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House
- Leona Brown - Gitxsan mother of three children who is motivated by the knowledge that her children are learning from every part of her journey.
- Dr. Mohammed Hanif Bariman - Social research projects aimed to adjust the organizational policies and action plans for community development and poverty reduction
- Shannon Daub, BC Director - Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA-BC) - covering Iglika Ivanova's leave
- Sherman Chan, Director of Family and Settlement Services - MOSAIC
- Vicky Li, Community Connections and Literacy Outreach Coordinator - Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House
- Adrienne Montani, Executive Director - First Call Child & Youth Advocacy Society