Living Wage for Families Response:
The BC Government today announced 3 days of paid sick leave for workers ill with COVID-19 and have committed to introducing a long term paid sick leave scheme next year.
A year into a global pandemic, we’re happy to see that the BC Government have finally taken steps to introduce paid sick leave for workers ill with COVID-19 and have committed to introducing a longer term paid sick leave scheme.
However, we are disappointed to see that workers who are ill with COVID-19 will only receive 3 paid days off to get better and to keep their colleagues safe
The Living Wage for Families Campaign looks forward to working with the BC Government to shape the long term paid sick leave program so that it works for both employers and low-income workers. The quicker this legislation can be introduced the more workers will be protected.
"We’re all healthier and happier if we can take time off when unwell" Anastasia French, Campaign Organiser, Living Wage for Families Campaign
On Friday, over 60 employers signed an open letter coordinated by the Living Wage for Families campaign to Premier Horgan, asking the BC government to take immediate action to ensure every worker in British Columbia has access to paid sick leave — during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Read the open letter and the full list of signatories.
Please feel free to get in touch.
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