Living Wage Week Feature #3: Is child care accessible and affordable for all BC families?
For the third post in our series for Living Wage Week, we're diving further into child care. While the living wage family is experiencing a massive reduction in their child care expenses this year, accessing quality child care is still difficult for many BC families.
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Living Wage Week Feature #2: Housing Affordability for the Living Wage Family
Second in our series for Living Wage Week, we're exploring whether the living wage family in our calculations spends an affordable amount of their income on housing. It’s no secret that housing affordability is an issue in BC, and getting a safe and stable place to live remains a critical issue for many working families.
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Living Wage Week Feature: How do BC's child care policies affect the living wages?
This week, November 11-17, is Living Wage Week. We're celebrating with a series of blog posts that dive deeper into our living wage calculations and what they reveal about working poverty in BC.
First up: learn how the provincial government's child care policies affected our 2019 living wages by offsetting all other increases in the cost of living.
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On International Credit Union Day, Stabilization Central becomes 8th Credit Union in BC to certify as a Living Wage Employer
On the 71st International Credit Union Day, Stabilization Central Credit Union has become one of eight new Living Wage Employers in British Columbia. Stabilization Central joins seven other credit unions across the province in obtaining this certification.
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Living Wage Submission on Domestic and Sexual Violence Leave
The BC government recently consulted the public about implementing paid leave for those experiencing domestic or sexual violence. The Living Wage for Families Campaign submitted four recommendations advocating for paid leave that is protected and accessible.
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Employers Series #5: The Living Wage and Non-Profits
The fifth and final resource in our new series for employers: learn about the living wage for non-profit organizations. Non-profits have different operating procedures than private companies, but they can still become Living Wage Employers. 20% of Living Wage Employers in BC are non-profits!
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City of Burnaby Implements Living Wage Policy for Staff
As of October 1, the City of Burnaby has implemented a living wage policy for its direct staff. This means that all city staff are earning enough to afford a good quality of life in Burnaby.
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Employers Series #4: The Living Wage for Small Businesses
Fourth in our new series of resources for employers: learn how to make the living wage work for your small business. 78% of Living Wage Employers in BC have 50 or fewer employees, and 48% have 10 or fewer employees - you can join them!
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Employers Series #3: Working in a Living Wage Municipality
Third in our new series of resources for employers: if you're a business owner or service provider, see what it means for you when your local government becomes a Living Wage Employer.
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Employers Series #2: The Business Case for the Living Wage
Second in our new series of resources for employers: learn about the business benefits of paying the living wage to your staff and contractors.
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