Poverty Reduction Strategy

BC Releases Poverty Reduction Strategy On March 18, 2019, the BC government unveiled its Poverty Reduction Strategy, which aims to reduce overall poverty by 25 per cent and cut child poverty in half by 2024. Continue reading

Basic Income Consultation

Living Wage Submission to Basic Income Consultation The provincial government is seeking public input about basic income in BC. The Living Wage for Families Campaign sent a submission recommending that any possible basic income program comprise only one part of an accountable, bold, and comprehensive poverty reduction plan for the province. Continue reading

BC Budget 2019

BC Budget 2019: Improvements for BC Families On February 19, the provincial government released its 2019 Budget. The Budget includes several measures which would help BC families, most notably the new BC Child Opportunity Benefit, but more could be done to better help workers and those receiving government supports.  Continue reading

Living Wage Campaign Celebrates 146 Living Wage Employers

Sixteen employers across British Columbia were recently certified as Living Wage Employers This brings our total to 146 certified employers in BC, representing over 19,300 staff and contractors who are earning a decent wage in their communities.  Continue reading

Living Wage Employers

2018 Applications Now Closed In preparation for calculating new 2019 living wage rates across the province, the Living Wage for Families Campaign will not review applications from employers until May.  Continue reading

We've Moved!

The Living Wage for Families Campaign has moved to a new office space at 312 Main St in Vancouver.  Continue reading

Welcome to our Research Coordinator, Leila Trickey!

The Living Wage for Families Campaign is excited to welcome our new Research Coordinator for our participatory action research project, Leila Trickey. Continue reading

District of Central Saanich certifies as Living Wage Employer

The District of Central Saanich has become certified as a Living Wage Employer, making it the first local government in the Capital Region to achieve certification. Continue reading

Living Wage Campaign Reaches 130 Certified Employers

The Living Wage for Families Campaign has certified eight more Living Wage Employers from across British Columbia. More than 130 BC employers have now been certified as Living Wage Employers, representing more than 19,000 staff and contractors who are earning a decent wage in their communities.  Continue reading

Living Wage 2019 Provincial Budget Submission

The Living Wage for Families Campaign made a submission to the provincial government to inform their 2019 Budget.  Continue reading