Welcome to new Living Wage Employers

The Living Wage for Families Campaign has certified nine new Living Wage Employers. Welcome to the living wage family! Continue reading

Living Wage in the News

Spring 2016: Parksville and Pitt Meadows support the living wage, the living wage as a poverty reduction strategy, a radio interview with campaign organizer Deanna Ogle and more. Continue reading

United Way Fraser Valley becomes the fifth Living Wage Employer in the region

May 2016, United Way Fraser Valley was honoured to receive certification as the Fraser Valley’s fifth Living Wage Employer. Continue reading

Change in federal policy lowers living wage for first time despite rising costs

(Vancouver - April 27, 2016) A report released today finds that the wage needed to cover the costs of raising a family in Metro Vancouver is $20.64 per hour. This is the 2016 Metro Vancouver living wage, the hourly wage that two working parents with two young children must earn to meet their basic expenses (including rent, child care, food and transportation), once government taxes, credits, deductions and subsidies have been taken into account.  Continue reading

What about a living wage calculation for a single person?

The Living Wage for Families Campaign is a poverty reduction strategy to address, in particular, child and family poverty in Canada.  Continue reading

Village Cleaners takes care of people and planet

Sustainability is the core value at Village Cleaners, a garment cleaning company and Living Wage Employer located in False Creek in the former Olympic Village. Continue reading

Living wage campaign - 2015 year in review

It has been an incredibly busy year for the Living Wage for Families Campaign. We thank all our supporters and employers who have helped grow the living wage movement and reduce low-wage poverty across BC. Continue reading

Transportation consulting firm: Living wages = Quality = Profitability

Acuere Consulting Inc. provides professional engineering, planning and technical services for the transportation sector. Continue reading

Integris Credit Union becomes first Living Wage Employer in Prince George

Integris Credit Union has become Prince George’s first business to be certified as a Living Wage Employer. Continue reading

Day 4 & 5: What is stopping us from raising the rates?

I cheated. I didn’t cheat a lot but I wonder if cheating a little bit on the Welfare Food Challenge is like being kind of pregnant. I am back on rice and beans. In fact, I have half a jar of rice and beans sitting in front of me that I am trying to get excited about and eat. Continue reading