Purple Bicycle
Mackenzie's first certified Living Wage Employer
Purple Bicycle Natural Foods has become the first certified Living Wage Employer in Mackenzie, BC. The store has committed to pay their staff and contracted workers a living wage by certifying as Living Wage Employer.
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The Book Man
First Living Wage book store in the Fraser Valley
The Book Man is the first book store in the Fraser Valley to become a certified Living Wage Employer. It has committed to pay its staff and contracted workers a Living Wage
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Victoria Brain Injury Society
Non-profit becomes a certified Living Wage Employer
The Victoria Brain Injury Society has committed to pay their staff and contracted workers a living wage by certifying as Living Wage Employer.
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Local Practice Architecture + Design
Vancouver architecture firm becomes a certified Living Wage Employer
Local Practice Architecture + Design Ltd has committed to pay their staff and contracted workers a living wage by certifying as Living Wage Employer.
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Demolition Impossible
First certified Living Wage demolition contractor in BC
Demolition: Impossible is the first demolition contractor in BC to become a certified Living Wage Employer. It has committed to pay its staff and contracted workers a Living Wage
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Nelson Community Food Centre
Nelson's newest Living Wage Employer
Nelson Community Food Centre is the latest employer in Nelson to become a certified Living Wage Employer. It has committed to pay its staff and contracted workers a Living Wage.
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Neuron Mobility
First Living Wage certified e-scooter company in BC
Neuron Mobility, based in Vernon BC, is the first e-scooter company in BC to become a certified Living Wage Employer by committing to pay its staff and contracted workers a Living Wage
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Kerkhoff Technologies
First Living Wage certified IT company in the Fraser Valley
Kerkhoff Technologies is the first IT company in the Fraser Valley to become a certified Living Wage Employer. It has committed to pay its staff and contracted workers a Living Wage.
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Vancouver Premier Contracting
Vancouver’s newest Living Wage Employer
Vancouver Premier Contracting (VPC) has become the latest landscape designer in BC to commit to pay their staff and contracted workers a living wage by certifying as Living Wage Employer.
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Food Stash Foundation
350th Living Wage Employer in BC!
Food Stash Foundation is the 350th organization in BC to be certified as a Living Wage Employer – committing to pay its staff and contracted workers a Living Wage.
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